Welcome To CCSupply

A Curio Cards Supply Dashboard

Updated Weekly – Data Last Updated:

Curio Card Supply Chart

Curio Card Supply Table

Card # Name
Total SupplyThe total number of cards sold from the original vending machine contracts
Total Burned
CardsThe total number of cards sent to known burn addresses
SupplyThe total number of unburned cards
Inactive Wallet
SupplyThe total number of cards in wallets with no outbound transactions in the last 1000 days
Active SupplyThe total number of cards held in active wallets


CCSupply.xyz is an online dashboard created to track the supply of Curio Cards. As an historical NFT collection, Curio Cards predate the ERC721 standard, making it difficult to track the ownership of these tokens. Furthermore, many Ethereum wallets from that era have been lost. Together, this means that it's difficult to know how many Curio Cards are in active circulation. This website uses The Graph, the Etherscan API, and Google Charts to show how many Curio Cards have been burned, how many are in inactive (possibly lost) wallets, and how many remain in active circulation.

To provide the most up-to-date information, this site uses the Curio Cards subgraph to query card ownership data. Unfortunately, these API calls are not free, but cost a small amount of GRT to support the data indexers. Likewise, there are limitations on Etherscan API calls and hosting bandwidth. Since these costs add up, and since the supply data doesn't change very much over time, data is updated weekly.

If you'd like to have access to more current data, all the resources needed to run CCSupply.py with your own API keys are available on Github.

Burned cards are Curio Cards that have been sent to an address whose assets are known to be unrecoverable. CCSupply tracks three burn addresses:

The "0x00...0000" address is a common burn address for ETH and ERC-20 tokens. Since many NFT contracts disallow sending tokens to this address, the "0x00...dEaD" address is a common burn address for NFTs. The third address is the Locked Cards contract, an early Curio Card wrapper contract with a flaw that prevents unwrapping. For this reason, unwrapped tokens sent to this contract are considered burned.

Inactive cards are Curio Cards that are held in a wallet that has not had an outgoing transaction in at least 1000 days. There are various reasons why a wallet might be inactive, including:

  • Keys to the wallet have been lost, temporarily or permanently (not uncommon for 2017-era wallets)
  • The wallet is used as a vault, and the owner(s) have never needed to withdraw ETH or tokens
  • Cards were accidentally sent to the wrong address, and have been permanently lost

This means that it is possible for inactive wallets to become active again! However, it is likely that many inactive cards have been permanently lost.

CRO29 cards timelocked by Robek World are considered inactive, as these are not in active circulation, and will be unlocked over the course of years.

A zip file containing the following files can be downloaded here:

  • Card_Supply.csv: Basic Curio Card supply info (same as table above)
  • Card_Supply_Verbose.csv: Detailed Curio Card supply info
  • Inactive_Addresses.txt: A list of all inactive card holder wallet addresses (no outbound transactions in the last 1000 days)
  • All_Holders.csv: A table of all card holders and holdings, sorted by card

All files needed to replicate the chart and data on this site are available on the CCSupply Github. If you'd like to make a suggestion or a contribution, feel free to raise an issue/pull request, or get in touch with shukudaidayo on Twitter.

Uwucrew #6675

CCSupply is a project by shukudaidayo. Shuku is an NFT collector, aspiring dev, and friendly neighborhood uwu.

Curio Cards are the first art NFTs on the Ethereum blockchain. Wrapped Curio Cards are available now on OpenSea and other NFT marketplaces near you.

Special thanks to Crypto Lurker for design consultation, as well as to the Curio DAO and the Curio Cards community for their support. Without them, none of this would have been possible!